I'm thinking about hunger in America.  14.5% of a recent surrvey said they had difficulty feeding their family sometimes, and 53% of the people reading the article said they had to budget carefully.  I'm part of the 53%, and I'm growing my own veggies (some of them).  I use coupons and shop around the sales at about 10 different grocery stores.  I sign up for freebies on the net.  I do anything I can on the net -- like the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl -- to help the other people helping feed America.  When my onion sets get here, and there are more coming in the minimum order than I have space to plant, I will give the extras to an Urban Harvest community garden in a part of town which has NO grocery store within  5 miles.  Any surplus harvest my own garden will go to the local food pantry at the Methodist Church where I attended VBS in the 50s & 60s with my neighbor (my own church also participates in this pantry -- although I quit attending church years ago).  I'm also thinking about adding  a page on how to live frugally, wondering how many readers would like to see this.  Please leave a comment if you would!

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